Hub bling! Bill from Pittsburgh recently sent us these spectacular images of his new hubs!
Email received from Will in Washington…
“I wanted to share a pic of the Teac X-10 you sold me earlier this year. I love the unit and use it constantly. This system in my study. I’m redoing the system in my home theater. That has my Akai GX-636 that you repaired. When I get that wired up, I’ll send you a pic of that system too. That stack will also have the Tascam 122 Mk II you also serviced for me.
In my study, I have a Carver TFM-45 driving Magnepan LRS’s, TFM-35 driving JBL LX55’s, and another -35 drive Altec System 3s. The left tower is all Carver except for the R2R.
Have a Merry Christmas and thanks for all your support this year.”
Sony TC 766 with red reels and hubs sent to us from Bernie V in Saskatchewan
Marshall in California. “My deck with the red reel too!”
Sent to us by David in Washington state….