Strange Advance

Strange Advance

Guess who was very recently seen on Toronto TV sporting one of our ultra-cool Reel-To-Reel Tech t-shirts? None other than Vancouver’s own STRANGE ADVANCE! Strange Advance is a Canadian new wave band formed in...

signature recording tape

Reel to Reel Tech’s Own Recording Tape!

Reel to Reel Tech is proud to introduce our own 10.5”, ¼” wide recording tape! Not affiliated with the other three tape manufacturers, this tape has been newly formulated as back coated +6db tape,...


First Barn Find of 2024!

At the beginning of February, 2024, I received an email from a local stereo store in Calgary BC, asking if I was interested in buying a bunch of tape decks. My first thought was...

2023 barn finds 2 & 3

2023 Barn Finds 2 & 3

Barn find #2 – Feb 2023 to April 2023 So it seems that the Texas barn find somehow triggered an avalanche of reel to reel and vintage audio caches, two in the Washington state...


Barn Find Part 3: The Saga Continues

So after coming back from Texas, I was informed that the 20 pallets of reel to reel equipment and the 6 pallets of vintage audio gear that was going to Innovative Audio in Surrey...